Belly Fat Negative people are said to be an “energy vampire” they feed off the energy of others. They make them feel angry, guilty, depressed, defensive, drained or exhausted when they are around, they are incapable of generating positive energy. These individuals could be your relative, a colleague, or your neighbor. You’ll know when you come in contact with an energy vampire, because after you’ve spent time together instead of feeling positive, energized, and happy, you feel mentally depleted. Negative people can find something wrong in any situation. They are expert complainers, cynics, tyrants, worriers and/or victims. Unfortunately, negative people may not be concerned with the effect their behavior has on others; they simply want to get rid of their own uncomfortable feelings in the fastest way possible. Understanding Human Behavior Researchers from Northwestern University analyzed data collected from 3,074 participants during a 10-year period. The study tracked participants’ weights, as well as their “exposure to supportive and negative relationships.” Turns out, the study subjects who reported having the most supportive relationships on a consistent basis were less likely to increase their BMI than those who surrounded themselves with toxic friends. So why do people who make you feel down cause your weight to go up? The study authors say that it all boils down to stress: Spending lots of time around negative people often leads to developing “maladaptive health-related coping behaviors” (in other words, you may turn to food as a release or stop exercising because you’re not in a good state of mind). At the same time, surrounding yourself with positive people may buffer the effect—because when you feel like you have social support, you’re less likely to turn to food for comfort or use other unhealthy coping strategies.It has nothing to do with what’s on your plate. These people are not healthy to be around, so learn how to shield yourself from energy vampires. Identify. Identify who are these people. Some people may just had a bad day, remember it happen even to the most positive one. Keep things light. Learn not to react on negative way, instead, go with the flow, and tactfully bring the situation back to neutral ground. Learn to say “NO”. Do not allow yourself to be a doormat or a people pleaser, learn to say “no” when you’re not able to fulfill a request or demand, or if you are simply not interested in doing what the other person wants of you. Keep distance. Maintaining your emotional distance will save your mental and emotional energy . Control your life. When you give authority to a person to control your life it is usually being abused. By taking responsibility for your own life and removing the hold that the other person has over you, you are destroying the link that binds between you and the energy vampire. Be responsible for your own happiness. Human happiness is often dependent on the quality of your relationships with other people. However, you and only you are responsible for your positivity and your happiness. Practice being in control of your emotions in response to outside situations.