Belly Fat Most people would love to get a flat tummy, but many fail to ever achieve this goal. This isn’t because they don’t have the right magical ab machine or haven’t discovered that “secret” diet that burns all the fat off their belly. The “secret” to getting and maintaining a flat stomach really isn’t a secret at all. It involves eating healthy foods and exercising in effective ways to both build stomach muscle and burn off the layer of fat that hides those muscles. 1. Eat healthy foods To get a flatter stomach, there really isn’t any specific diet to follow. You just need to stick with eating healthy, nutritious foods and stay away from sugary, salty, fatty and high calorie foods. Remember, in order to have a flat stomach you need to shed the layer of fat covering up your ab muscles. Excess calories are stored on your body, especially your belly, instead of being burned off. Therefore, one of the things you need to concentrate on is sticking with healthy, low calorie foods such as lean protein, whole grains, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, low fat dairy, plenty of fiber and healthy fats. 2. Perform Both Full Body And Stomach Exercises – Do Aerobic Exercises On A Regular Basis Effective aerobic exercise can help you burn off the layer of stomach fat that covers up your abdominal muscles. Just pick activities that you enjoy such as dancing, cycling or brisk walking. Interval cardio training can be quite effective. Alternate between power walking and sprinting. Aim to do a minimum of 30 minutes per day, with one or two rest days every week. – Include Plyometric Exercises In Your Workouts These are exercises that involve explosive power. They combine strength training and cardio exercise. A few great plyometric exercises you can do include modified jumping jacks and squat-thrust push-ups. – Include Strength Training In Your Workouts To Build Muscle Building muscles helps to increase your metabolism. This in turn helps you to burn more calories to lose your belly fat. Side bends work your obliques (love handles), leg raises work your lower abdomen and crunches work your upper abdomen. Do around 15 to 25 reps a day of each exercise. Once you can do more reps than that, add weights. Planks and lunges are also very effective exercises to help you build up your stomach muscles. In order to get a flat tummy, you must pay attention to what you eat and then exercise effectively. You cannot just do endless number of crunches and hope to make progress. The key is to not only build up your stomach muscles. You also must burn off that outer layer of belly fat hiding your muscles. In order to do this you need to focus on what you eat and perform exercises that encourage burning calories. When you do this and add on exercises that build muscle, you will be unstoppable and will achieve that flat stomach you have always dreamed of having.