Healthy Lifestyle Continual fatigue, stubborn weight, dull skin and low mood are daily issues for many people. While most people are keen to care for their health, knowing where to start can seem challenging, if not impossible. As many as 20,000 people have discovered that a cleanse is an achievable, successful, and surprisingly enjoyable starting point. How Did The Green Smoothie Cleanse Get Started? In 2013, a young lady named JJ Smith found herself bedridden with mercury poisoning. Keen to get her health back on track, renew her depleted energy levels, and lose the 20 pounds that she had gained whilst sick, JJ Smith began an interesting research. After much investigating, analysing and studying the 10 Day Green-Smoothie Cleanse was born. This plan was not designed to starve oneself to skinny, rather it aims to give weight loss a good jump-start, increase the body’s energy, and improve mood and general health. How Did The Green Cleanse Gain Popularity? Sharing her plan with friends and family, as well as on Facebook, JJ Smith soon realised that over 15,000 people were committed to doing the cleanse with her. The results were staggering. Weight loss within 10 days was reaching as much as 15 pounds, energy levels were soaring, and people found themselves feeling an incredible improvement in overall health. In fact, since just one smoothie alone contains more nutrients than many people get in a full week, it is no wonder that the results were so impressive. What Are The Basic Guidelines Of The Cleanse? Green smoothies are easy to prepare and many recipes are available to try. In general they are made of up a fruit to green ratio of 6:4, and include water or another suitable liquid such as almond milk. Smoothies can be made from fresh or frozen fruit, organic always being the favoured choice. What Is An Example Of A Green Smoothie? One of the great advantages with this health plan is that the variety of smoothies that can be made is endless. Below is just one example of a favourite smoothie: The Pineapple Spinach Smoothie Spinach – 2 cups Water – 2 cups Pineapple chunks – 1 cup Peaches – 2 cups Bananas – 2 (peeled) Artificial sweetener – 1 1/2 packets Flax seed – 2 tablespoons Making the smoothie is easy. Place the spinach and water in the blender and stop once the liquid is smooth. Add the remaining products to the blender and blend until an appetizing creamy smoothie has been created. Indeed the green smoothie cleanse had humble beginnings with a young woman who wanted to get her health back on track, but now this green giant gives impressive health benefits to thousands of people. Aiding weight loss, restoring energy levels, treating the body to a host of nutrients and tasting great at the same time, it is no wonder that this smoothie cleanse is becoming a number one choice for feeling great.