Belly Fat If you’re looking for ways to lose belly fat, the first thing you need to know is how NOT to lose belly fat. The answer to that is doing hundreds of crunches. Crunches will not sculpt your body, you won’t get 6-pack abs by doing them and you can’t simply spot train that area if that is an area that is hard to lose fat. Whether you call it love handles or a muffin top, sit-ups are simply not the answer. But there are a couple of tips that DO work and here they are. Losing The Fat Really Starts In The Kitchen One of the best ways to get rid of that unwanted midsection fat is to really take a good look at your diet and what foods you are eating and of course, how much you are eating. Belly fat is often the result of a lot of sugar in the diet so it’s a good idea to get rid of all the sugar and junk in the house. It’s not easy to just quit sugar if you have a lot in your diet, but it is possible and even small changes will make a difference. One example is that for many people it’s the result of drinking too much soda pop. Once you quit drinking sugared drinks, in just a short time you’ll notice a difference in your stomach, and how your pants fit around your waist. Another part of your nutrition that you’ll want to take a look at is making sure your proteins are lean proteins and also that the carbs you consume are coming from a good source and not simple carbs that have refined flours in them. A simple rule of thumb on that is to see how many ingredients are in them. Less is better. Vegetables are a great source of carbohydrates that are nutritious, whole and natural foods. You’ll want to avoid the foods like white bread and pastas. Those carb will quickly turn to sugar in your body and most likely your body will store that fat right in your mid-section. The Workouts After you get your diet and nutrition in order then you can start looking at the best workouts for ways to lose belly fat. This will be a combination of both strength training as well as cardio. Most people think that doing an extreme amount of cardio is the best way to burn calories. That is not true at all. In fact, the best workouts you can do would be circuit-training workouts. These workouts typically will use strength training by using your own bodyweight, and then alternatively use HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) for the cardio. It has been proven time again that these workouts are the most effective way to get your body into shape. These can usually be done outside of a gym, in your own home if you desire to do so. This makes it possible for anyone to do because it’s so affordable. Essentially, you just need to know that working the belly area alone does not help firm up the stomach, but only a combination of healthier food choices as well as a good circuit-training workout will give you the best results. It is possible to lose that belly fat safely and in a healthy way, starting today!